A Bad Hat Daze

A Bad Hat Daze
"The Midnight Disease"-Edgar Allen Poe

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Fifty-eight Degrees (Haiku)

Icy fingers rip
my fabric layered body,
winter in my home.

copyright d.a.white
                                                 copyright d.a.white

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cold (Haiku)

Setting sun mirrors
Pebbles racing upon skin
Winters' icy stare

copyright d.a.white

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Ancestors corral
from the left,
up  the middle, and
from the right;
stairways separate
and took out
their light.

Who gave whom the
judgement on
those seeking freedom,
taking the children
binding them,

History lessons, left
middle, right
left stairways or anger
separates and takes
away freedom; judgement
was from on

Cries out in the night, "No!"
then turns out the lights.

copyright d.a.white