A Bad Hat Daze

A Bad Hat Daze
"The Midnight Disease"-Edgar Allen Poe

Friday, November 11, 2011



Wake each day to a
Fragmentation of a life,
Swimming in my head, lite
With the drugs of their choice
Not mine.

I would rather play in the clouds, high
On the mountain tops, no matter how low
The valley becomes, because there's always
A fix from the drugs of their choice; their choice,
Not mine.

copyright d.a.white
                                                                                           copyright d.a.white

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Reward

Protrusions had ripped her heart.
The landscape stopped the
Water braking, licking,
Her jagged soul.


The waves crashed and she was
Left smoldering on hot rock,
Reaching shamelessly
For her jagged soul

                                copyright d.a.white
Emptiness, the reward.

copyright d.a.white


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Roller Coster

When dark upon the mind descends,
On the mountains' road, curves fall
To times' endlessness.
When on top the mountain you
Ascend, in the high the dark is gone.

On the roller coster of the mind,
You live in endless flux.
               copyright photo by d.a.white 
There but a joke untold, for
Which the laughter never stops.

copyright d.a.white

Monday, April 18, 2011


Fans whirl,
like thoughts
through minds eye;
like a racing train
descending upon a
stalled car.

The switch is pulled.

All is eerily silent.

copyright d.a.white
                                                 copyright d.a.white
                                              original by seth white

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Ice coated branchlets                                          copyright d.a.white
Let sunshine filter through
Interstices,  left-
Like a foramen in my bone
From the way your syllables
Pierced my ears.

Were it not for the smile
On your lips, the chimes
Of the ice, and the twinkle
In your eyes,
I might
Have taken
You seriously.

copyright d.a.white

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Opprobrious act
An insentient woman
Deep-rooted darkness

copyright d.a.white


Saturday, March 12, 2011

The approach of spring,
Daylight Savings Time happens;
Duplicitous attack.

copyright d.a.white

                                                                                           copyright d.a.white

Monday, February 28, 2011

Pieces of The Mind

The pieces of my
Mind, move
Like a lightening
Bolt, striking
a tree.

I shudder, stand still, and watch.

The pieces come home for awhile, to rest.

Under control, in a
Pen, they try
To ignor who
they are.

Green pieces go magnetic.

The pieces of my
Mind, move
Deliberately like birds
On a wire before
a storm.

copyright d.a.white
                                                 copyright d.a.white

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Explosive pigments
From the corners of the world
Phenomena hurts

copyright d.a.white

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Collapsing downward
The syncope mind of mine
Winter comes too soon

copyright d.a.white

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Crust Moon (Haiku)

Sunset licks the sky.                                                           copyright d.a.white
Owls scare up field mice hiding.
Gone dark, Snow Crust Moon.

copyright d.a.white

Saturday, January 22, 2011

See With The Ear; Hear With The Eye

The song on the radio
thumped, like the plumb bob
in the chest, on the feet
of the fire crackling woods

It was too dark for the eye to see.

And as the fire grew so high the
sky turned orange, yellow, and red;
the trickle of blood was seen
leaking through.

It was too dark for the eye to see.

Rock and roll stopped-
White light of the fire's ash, left,
as she was, too, with just a
drop; saw the ice water shower
run down, like the pretty trickling
brook over the field.

It was too dark for the eye to see.

Then a voice from out there, from
the ashes it rose, saying a word,
too dark for the ear to hear, and
too light for the eye to see.

copyright d.a.white

                                                                                           copyright d.a.white

Friday, January 14, 2011


Serenity found in a partially                                 copyright d.a.white
filled, algae laden, pool,
at the feet
of my

Songs of the birds, brush
my eyes as they fly
down the invasive
engines of

I breathe, and for a brief
moment  they disappear.

I feel and see and hear.

Like the shadows of my life,
those are filled with
possibilities that
are  never
unless I

This moment, today tells me
to concentrate, to see, and
hear, the shadows; to
find the other
choices I
can have
in my

copyright d.a.white