A Bad Hat Daze

A Bad Hat Daze
"The Midnight Disease"-Edgar Allen Poe

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Night Into Day

When night time comes
and day time leaves color
fades from faces of  earth's
most natural beings-

They will say it all
along, when the moon
                               copyright d.a.white 
is rising in the sky, day
is gone and night is nigh. 

But  those  that  walk
through lonely hours of
the night, long until the
foggy day, will say night
never sleeps and day never
dies, when night turns into day.

copyright d.a.white

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Aftermath (Haiku)

Sun looked at my eye,                                         copyright d.a.white
Tried to stare down, with icy cold;
Blizzards end, at night.

copyright d.a.white