A Bad Hat Daze

A Bad Hat Daze
"The Midnight Disease"-Edgar Allen Poe

Monday, February 28, 2011

Pieces of The Mind

The pieces of my
Mind, move
Like a lightening
Bolt, striking
a tree.

I shudder, stand still, and watch.

The pieces come home for awhile, to rest.

Under control, in a
Pen, they try
To ignor who
they are.

Green pieces go magnetic.

The pieces of my
Mind, move
Deliberately like birds
On a wire before
a storm.

copyright d.a.white
                                                 copyright d.a.white

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Explosive pigments
From the corners of the world
Phenomena hurts

copyright d.a.white

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Collapsing downward
The syncope mind of mine
Winter comes too soon

copyright d.a.white

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Crust Moon (Haiku)

Sunset licks the sky.                                                           copyright d.a.white
Owls scare up field mice hiding.
Gone dark, Snow Crust Moon.

copyright d.a.white