A Bad Hat Daze

A Bad Hat Daze
"The Midnight Disease"-Edgar Allen Poe

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Mushroom (Haiku)

musroom ladden tree
your steps small, large, white, well-formed
fall is around bend

Copyright d.a.white


Into your eyes I look,
pain shows
anger dashed upon you.

I must learn how to control
words coming forth from
deep within my -
psych to step into
your shoes.

I hope to never see those
painful eyes that have
an understanding of mine.

copyright d.a.white

                                                                            copyright photo by d.a.white

Monday, March 11, 2013

Flirt With Fire

Remember The Dream

If she would sleep deep,
If dreaming would take her,
If the fire would not flirt with her mind,
Then the story would not be left untold.

Copyright d.a.white